Pastor’s Prayer

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Gracious God,

We give You thanks for this day and for the opportunity to be here together in worship. During this time, may we be able to put aside the concerns of our daily lives, let go of all the demands that crowd upon us, and simply be present here with YOU as you Holy Spirit rest upon us.  In the spirit of the psalm, may we be still and know that you are God.

We offer you prayers of thanksgiving for life and all those things that make life good. In these high summer days, surrounded by nature’s beauty, we offer gratitude for the abundance and fertility of the earth. The wonders of nature take us unaware and we raise our hearts to YOU. Help us in our gratitude not to take this abundance and beauty for granted. Help us as we work to maintain the health and the beauty of the earth for generations to come.

Help us as we seek to make this good earth a safe home for all your children. We confess that though your earth is abundant, many of your children live in poverty and want. We know from your words through prophets and apostles that this is neither your will nor your purpose. Sustain us with the gift of HOPE as we work to do your will, so that all people might share fairly in the good things of your creation.

We bring to you our concerns as well Heavenly Father, for peace in our communities, this city, state, and the world.

We bring our concern for our families and loved ones. Bring healing and restoration to families.  Break the back of the spirit of rebellion.   Restore Family Altars in homes.  Bring revival into families and into private homes.

We bring our concerns for the family and loved ones of all those who suffer and ill among us. 

We bring our concerns for violence in whatever form it takes.

We bring our concerns for those living with fear and hate.

We bring to You our concerns for the churches.  We pray for a spirit of unity to break out among the churches in our community. So that we would band together as a unified army to effectively win the lost in our city together.  We pray that Your churches would see the enemy as out THERE, and not each other and that the Holy Spirit would move freely among us.

We bring you our concerns for the education system. We pray for educators who are lovers of Jesus.  We pray for a radical spirit that would dare to challenge ungodly rules in the educational system – Lord bring in a righteous revolution for the sake of our children.

We bring to you our concerns for the government system.  Loving Lord raise up godly leaders in our government.  Bless those who are in authority over us.  We pray for their protection and that You would grant them a spirit of wisdom and godly council for the affairs of Your people. 

We bring to you our concerns for those in media.  Let them report with integrity and infiltrate it with purity and righteousness.

We bring our concerns for the Arts & Entertainment industry.  Raise up gifted artisans as worshippers in the Arts & Entertainment industry, that they would glorify You with their gifts. 

We bring our concerns for business.  We Pray for the strengthening of Christian business owners, CEO’s, managers and workers – that they would represent YOU and operate with good business practices and integrity. 

We bring to you our personal concerns for ourselves and our families. In all these things, we ask for the strength to face the hard realities of our world, not to despair, but to stand with the vulnerable, the victims of violence and injustice, and those who live on the margins of life.

Amidst our concerns we bring you our joys as a congregation. Joy of celebrating life.  The Joy that our church members are healthy and safe amidst this pandemic.  The Joy that we are here today, gathered together in your presence.

All this we pray!

In Christ Name,
