Core Values

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OUR CORE VALUES: We believe that the Bible is The Word of God.

We are accepting but uncompromising.  We believe what the word of God says, and we follow the examples of Jesus Christ! We love people the way they are, and like Christ we love them enough not to leave them there!

  • We believe in the power of Prayer.

  • We believe the Bible is the Word of God.

  • We love God and our neighbors.

  • We believe in building relationships (with God and one another).

  • We are a place of H.O.P.E.:

·        Hospitality

·        Opportunity (to offer Christ)

·        Purpose: represent Christ everywhere

·        Engagement: serve our church, community, city, and the world.

  • Becoming Christ-Like – Spiritual growth is a life-long process of following Christ. As we cultivate a balanced lifestyle of purity, holiness, and Christian character, we honor God and influence others. 

    (Ephesians 5:1-5, Philippians 2:1-11, Galatians 5:22, 23)

  • Intimacy With God – We share God’s desire for an intimate relationship which is cultivated by the consistency of prayer, dynamic worship, and a need for an understanding of the Word of God.

    (Psalm 139, Acts 2:42, Matthew 6:5-15)

  • Authenticity – We believe how we represent ourselves reflects who we really are. This is accomplished collectively as we individually pursue accountability to each other based on integrity, sound character, high moral values, and biblical principles. 

    (I Peter 2:12, Proverbs 27:17, Proverbs 12:15)   

  • Maximizing Our Potential – We believe God equips each of us with talents, abilities, and resources, expecting us to fully develop and use these gifts, thereby maximizing our potential to serve Him and our community. (Matthew 25:14-30, Ephesians 3:20-21)

  • Excellence In Ministry – We believe that when one experiences the excellence of God, they will be compelled to serve Him with a passion and give Him their absolute best! (Colossians 3:17, 2 Samuel 24:24, Mark 12:30)

  •  Reconciliation – We believe a right relationship with God is essential for achieving reconciliation to God, one another, among family members, races, and denominations. 

(2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Galatians 3:26-29)

  • Community – We believe God designed us to serve (to value others above ourselves), and to be served (to allow others to fulfill needs in our own lives). As we are obedient to this calling, God brings together our talents and abilities to form a powerful Christian community.  (John 13:34-35, Galatians 6:2, I Corinthians 12:7, 12-27)

  •  Faith – We believe our faith in God compels us to take well-planned, aggressive, visionary steps to present the message of Jesus Christ – regardless of the risk involved. 

(I Samuel 17:45-47, Hebrews 11, James 2:14-26)

  • Relevance – We believe God’s Word contains the solution to every challenge in life. Therefore, we present God’s Word in creative, artistic, and culturally relevant ways. (Psalm 119:105, I Corinthians 9:19-23, Acts 17:16-19)

  • Commissioned! – As fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, we are urgently driven to share our faith with nonbelievers, to educate believers for practical victorious living, and to equip believers for abundant service to God.  (Matthew 28:18-20)