Praying for Our Communities

Words of encouragement as We Pray for one another!
You and I have a unique opportunity and ability to pray for our communities. We can come together and pray for each person, family, and group that it takes to make up our communities. We may not know them personally, but we can pray for them. We can become aware of specific prayer needs just by opening our eyes and ears to our surroundings. Consider taking a walk or drive around your neighborhood in which you live, and pray for each house, business, individuals, and families. Reach out to others and join each other in prayer. Pray for one another, the church, and neighborhoods. If you do not know what to pray, remember the five (5) suggestions:
1) Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of the people so that they can see their need for Christ.
2) Pray that we as “the Church” in our communities will be committed to present the gospel message, clearly, creatively, and faithfully.
3) Pray that your church and all local churches will become burdened about the lost in the community.
4) Pray that our church would be biblically faithful in our approach.
5) Pray that YOU will be the one God use.
Or you could simply pray this prayer based on the Lord’s prayer but for others:
Our Father in heaven, I pray for ___________________________, praising Your name for them, I ask You to fill their heart with worship and adoration for You today. I pray that their desire is to advance Your kingdom and share the good news everywhere they go. I pray Your will be done on earth as You design it in heaven. Provide them, I pray with their needs fulfilled with their daily bread. Supply them with all that is needed for them to be successful in fulfilling the call You have placed on their life. Grant them a repentant heart and restore the joy of your salvation. Allow them to forgive as You have forgiven me. Keep all of their relationships free from bitterness and difficulty as they forgive those who have errored against them. Provide Your protection from temptation and adversity. Deliver them from all evil, every fiery dart, scheme and attack of the enemy. Surround them with Your protection as a shield. For Yours, Lord, is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, Forever. You reign and rule with all Power and Authority. In Christ name, I pray and give thanks,
God’s Blessings and Peace is my prayer for you,
Pastor Monique French