A Letter From Jesus

Greetings Beloved,
Grace and Peace to You, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
We at Washington Heights United Methodist Church believe that we are a Hub of H.O.P.E., Love and Prayer! H.O.P.E. stands for Hospitality, Opportunity, Purpose and Engagement. I received this from a church I once pastored, and I want to share it with you.
My Precious Friend,
I am sending you this letter by way of one of my disciples. I just wanted to let you know how much I love and care about you and how I greatly desire to become a meaningful part of your life.
This morning when you awoke, I was already there with you in the Light of my beautiful sunshine that filled your room. I was hoping that you would say good morning to me; but you didn’t. So, I thought maybe it was a little too early in the day for you to notice me.
Again, I tried to get your attention when you stepped out of your door. I kissed your face with a soft gentle breeze. I breathed upon you my fragrant sweet breath scented with flowers. Then I sang you a love song through the birds in the trees. You just walked right past me.
Later, in the day. I watched over you as you were talking with some of your friends. Oh! How I wished that you would talk with me also. I waited and waited, but you just went along your way.
This afternoon, I sent you a refreshing shower and glistened to you from each raindrop. I even shouted to you a time or two with thunder trying to get your attention. Then I painted you a lovely rainbow amid my fluffy white clouds. I just knew you would see me then, but you were unaware of my presence.
This evening to close your day, I sent you a beautiful sunset. After that, I winked at you a thousand times through my stars, hoping that you would see me and wink back. You never did.
Tonight, when you went to bed, I spilled moonlight upon your face to let you know that I was there with you. I was hoping that you would talk to me a little while before you went to sleep. You never said a word. It hurt me deeply; however, I continued to watch over you all through the night thinking that maybe, just maybe, you would say hello to me in the morning.
Each and every day, I have revealed myself to you in many strange and wondrous ways hoping that you would accept me as your shepherd. For I am the only one that can supply you with all your needs. My love for you is deeper than the deepest ocean and bigger than the greatest blue sky. I have so very much to give to you and share with you. Please let me hear from you soon.
Your loving friend forever,