Pastor’s Blog

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Live a Life of Gratitude!

I want to share a powerful truth about gratitude and what it biblically means to give thanks to God. So, let’s take a look at scripture and see what the Word of God reveals to us about gratitude. Col. 3:17 Everything you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving…
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Praying for Our Communities

Words of encouragement as We Pray for one another! You and I have a unique opportunity and ability to pray for our communities.  We can come together and pray for each person, family, and group that it takes to make up our communities.  We may not know them personally, but we can pray for them. …
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A Letter From Jesus

Greetings Beloved, Grace and Peace to You, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ! We at Washington Heights United Methodist Church believe that we are a Hub of H.O.P.E., Love and Prayer!  H.O.P.E. stands for Hospitality, Opportunity, Purpose and Engagement.  I received this from a church I once pastored, and I want to share…
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Facing the Impossible Place

Challenges are a part of everyday life. At the time of the challenge, things seem impossible. Yet, with each challenge, God can use it for His glory. Think about it, without the impossible challenges, life becomes somewhat meaningless and there would be nothing to push us. The impossible challenges in life make us stronger in…
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